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Thatcher's Not Dead, She's Living in My Council Flat!

Ding, Dong - The Witch is Back!

Lee and Keaton are struggling to make ends meet. Spending half their time in Soho and the other half looking for jobs, life isn’t exactly the capitalist dream, yet moving into a new flat together in the dilapidated Tebbit House could be the fresh start they’re looking for.

But when they accidentally raise the dead on Halloween night, things are about to get a little more...austere.

Written by Michael Crump in collaboration with Ben Kinloch and Lewis Johnstone ‘Thatcher’s Not Dead, She’s Living in my Council Flat!’ Is a spooktacular comedy treat, featuring a Ouijja Board, two gays, Satan and the ghost of Margaret Thatcher.

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The Old Joint Stock Pub & Theatre, 4 Temple Row West, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 5NY

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